What is the best tooth whitening system for San Jose residents?

It is easy for patients to rejuvenate their smile with teeth whitening, one of the most popular cosmetic treatments with patients who visit Star Brite Dental. Many patients want to know which tooth whitening system is the best. San Jose patients can visit Dr. Lokhandwala to learn which system is best to improve their smiles!

Dr Munira Lokhandwala, Starbrite Dental, Providing Best Tooth Whitening

Dr. Lokhandwala, of San Jose’s Star Brite Dental, offers two ways for patients to whiten their teeth. Patients can enjoy whiter teeth in just one dental appointment with in-office whitening, or can consider the benefits of at-home tray whitening. Both are effective in lightening the shade of tooth enamel up to eight shades whiter, but one requires more patient involvement than the other.

In-office whitening is done in just one appointment and it allows patients to sit back, relax, and leave the office with a whiter, brighter smile. Using either the Sapphire Plasma Arc process by Rembrandt or the Zoom! whitening system, patients can relax and let the dental team handle the whitening process. A plastic mouth guard is worn and the teeth are covered with the whitening gel, which is the activated with a specialized light. This light will activate the bleach, which will then whiten the enamel of the teeth. This process takes approximately one hour in the dentist’s chair, and is perfect for those with busy schedules.

At-home whitening is a wonderful alternative that is often more economical. It may take a week or two for patients to see optimum results, but it is a great way for patients to brighten their smiles in the privacy of their own home. Patients will have custom whitening trays fabricated by Dr. Lokhandwala and they are sent home with the trays and whitening gel. This gel is applied to the inside of the trays, and the trays are worn for approximately thirty minutes a day for several weeks. Patients can control their whitening experience with the at-home teeth whitening trays, and can even use them after in-office teeth whitening to maintain the results.

If you are looking for the best tooth whitening system, San Jose’s Star Brite Dental can assist you in determining the ultimate bleaching process for you!

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Munira Lokhandwala, DDS FICOI
StarBrite Dental is dedicated to helping patients get their healthy bright smile back with quality dental treatments and advanced technology.

Our team consists of Dr. Munira Lokhandwala and Dr. Maryum Tariq who are highly skilled dentists with decades of dental experience in both cosmetic and general dentistry.
38350 Fremont Blvd #103, Fremont CA 94536 Location
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StarBrite provides the best dental service in the Bay Area. Scheduling appointments is fast & simple. But..., I gladly drive from Oakland to Fremont every time (twice a year) because the care is reliably gentle & thorough. They are simply superior. I will never have to shop around for dental care. Read More Testimonials