San Jose area dentist reviews the advantages of using Invisalign orthodontics

In San Jose, patients have access to a variety of ways to improve their smiles. This includes the use of orthodontic treatments to realign the teeth. The teeth within the dental arch should be well aligned for a proper fit between the top and bottom teeth. This ensures less wear and tear on the natural tooth enamel and a proper bite. However, many patients are born with teeth that are not properly aligned. They may only experience crooked teeth near the front of the mouth. At this point, many turns to an orthodontist to learn about the metal bracket and wire braces, but are pleasantly surprised when they find out about alternatives such as Invisalign, which is available from their dentist.

Dr Munira Lokhandwala, Starbrite Dental, Providing Invisible Braces

Invisalign is a way of correcting the alignment of the teeth without patients being required to wear metal brackets and wires. Instead, this method uses clear aligner trays. The trays are made of medical-grade plastic and are clear. This makes them difficult to discern from the natural teeth, making the treatment very discreet. This is the primary draw of Invisalign’s, discreet treatment of misaligned teeth.

Dr. Munira Lokhandwala and the skilled team at StarBrite Dental are excited to offer Invisalign. She reviews with her patients the many benefits of using Invisalign versus traditional braces for addressing mild to moderate malocclusion of the dental arch and the bite. She wants her patients to enjoy a treatment that does not make them feel self-conscious about improving their smiles over the course of several months.

Patients in the San Jose area are welcome to book an appointment at StarBrite Dental to find out if Invisalign is right for them. We provide a thorough examination and can perform x-rays to check how extensive misalignment is and determine if it can be properly improved with Invisalign services. For patients with more severe misalignment, traditional braces from an orthodontist may be more appropriate.

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Munira Lokhandwala, DDS FICOI
StarBrite Dental is dedicated to helping patients get their healthy bright smile back with quality dental treatments and advanced technology.

Our team consists of Dr. Munira Lokhandwala and Dr. Maryum Tariq who are highly skilled dentists with decades of dental experience in both cosmetic and general dentistry.
38350 Fremont Blvd #103, Fremont CA 94536 Location
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