Restore your teeth with full dentures service in Fremont

Quality dentures allow you to chew your food properly to avoid indigestion and malnutrition, but they also allow you to speak clearly and smile with ease. Dr. Lokhandwala has nearly 20 years of experience providing care for her patients, and she offers full dentures service to replace missing teeth in the Fremont area.

Immediate Full Dentures Service at StarBrite Dental in Fremont CA Area

Types of full dentures

Complete dentures are crafted once your mouth has fully healed from extraction. They can either be fixed in place with implants or designed to stay in place through suction or an adhesive. Dr. Lokhandwala will talk with you about the benefits of different kinds of restorations and help you decide the option that works best for you.

If you are uncomfortable going weeks without teeth, the dentist can place immediate dentures on the day of the extraction. These dentures are crafted in advance of your extraction and designed to fit your mouth based on its shape before your extractions. The disadvantage of immediate dentures is that your mouth will go through a lot of changes after your extraction, and you may need to come in for frequent adjustments so that they will fit comfortably without moving around your mouth. Immediate dentures are not a permanent solution, but they can last for a few years if you don’t mind going in for adjustments regularly.

Learning to live with dentures

Dentures have come a long way in recent years, but no matter how comfortable they are, your brain will have to get used to having them in your mouth. Because dentures stimulate nerves and glands in your mouth, you will produce excess saliva until your mouth gets used to them. You will also need to practice chewing with them, and it is best to stick to soft foods for a while until you get the hang of it.

Call our office for more information
Call us at 510-795-7786 or

Just like regular teeth, dentures require routine care to protect your oral health. Most dentures are designed to be removed each night, and Dr. Lokhandwala will educate you on proper hygiene practices. Keeping them clean and your mouth healthy can help your dentures last for decades without replacement. Contact our office in Fremont today at 510-795-7786 to learn more about our full dentures service.

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Munira Lokhandwala, DDS FICOI
StarBrite Dental is dedicated to helping patients get their healthy bright smile back with quality dental treatments and advanced technology.

Our team consists of Dr. Munira Lokhandwala and Dr. Maryum Tariq who are highly skilled dentists with decades of dental experience in both cosmetic and general dentistry.
38350 Fremont Blvd #103, Fremont CA 94536 Location
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