Dental Implants

Implant restorations a popular choice for dental patients in San Jose, California

Teeth are used for a variety of purposes. They allow us to speak clearly, convey happiness to others, and eat in a way that allows us to properly digest our food. Because they are so versatile, it can be devastating when these teeth are no longer available. Patients in San Jose, California who are faced with tooth loss will want to consider solutions that last, including dental implant restorations. Our dentist, Dr. Munira Lokhandwala, wants patients to have an option for tooth replacement that works for their needs.

What are dental implants?

Dental implants are a good option for patients who are seeking a long-term solution to missing teeth. The team at StarBrite Dental welcomes individuals into the practice to discuss this treatment. Dental implants are essentially artificial tooth roots. They are made of titanium and are implanted during surgery into the bone of the jaw. The abutment of the implant that is visible above the gum’s surface is restored with:

The option chosen depends greatly on the patient’s need. If the individual is replacing a single tooth, a dental crown is placed on the abutment of the dental implant. Bridges are used when the dental implant is acting as an anchor for one or both sides, and some patients even choose implant-retained dentures, which are conservative dentures that snap into place with several dental implants along the arch.

Call our office for more information
Call us at 510-795-7786 or

Who is a candidate for dental implants?

Dental implants are often recommended for patients who have sufficient bone structure and a healthy smile. without enough bone of the jaw, the dental implant will not be able to take hold and stimulate the process of bone growth called osseointegration. Patients should also have no signs of periodontal disease or cavities in existing teeth to be considered for this restoration. To decide if a patient is a good fit, a consultation appointment and x-rays are often done by our team.

Call Dr. Munira Lokhandwala today!

Fremont, California patients considering dental implants can connect with StarBrite Dental to determine if they are candidates. Call or Text 510-795-7786 to request your consultation visit and initial examination with our staff.

Dr. Munira Lokhandwala

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