Dentures in Fremont, San Jose
If you are having problems with your teeth, do not make a hasty decision to remove them. Call our office for a consultation. Any teeth that can be saved will contribute to the overall health of your mouth. You may not need to remove all of your teeth, and we can discuss your options once you have had a thorough examination. Regardless of the reason, a significant number or, perhaps, all of your teeth were lost, it couldn’t have been a pleasant experience. However, if you have decided to get dentures, then life is looking up, and we want to be part of the new you.
Dentures will help you eat well, and that is the beginning of good health. Dentures provide required support for the lips which result in improvement of the profile and let you talk properly. You need to be able to do these things if you are going to feel good about yourself. We want to be part of that process.
Our home is a beautiful place. We enjoy wonderful weather, and it’s no accident that millions of people choose to visit the San Francisco Bay Area. We are lucky because we don’t even have to go home – we are at home! Life in this area of the country is exciting, but if you need dentures in Fremont, San Jose, it can be overwhelming. It doesn’t have to be. You’ve come to the right place. We are ready to help you solve your dental problems by fitting you with the best set of dentures possible. We utilize the latest technology so you can be assured that the denture we built is not the one your grandparent used. These days with the correct training and a good aesthetic eye, a dentist can make lifelike dentures. Dr. Munira Lokhandwala has extensive training in making dentures. In fact, in many cases, the use of teeth implants may be possible if adequate bone is present and may represent the ideal solution. It would be like getting a replacement set of teeth just like the originals. The cost of teeth implants may be somewhat higher but the utility makes them a very viable choice for many patients.
Once the conditioned of your mouth has been evaluated, and the decision has been made, it’s time to act. We can make sure that any remaining teeth are protected. We can take impressions and create a denture that will give you the optimum service with the least trouble. There are different materials that can be used depending on your needs and financial situation. We will fit the denture and give you the information you need to take proper care of them. Dentures are not regular teeth and require some special attention.
We can work with you to make you look and feel good. Your dentures in Fremont, San Jose don’t have to indicate the end of life as you know it but, rather, a new beginning. Call, today, to schedule the start of your new life. Here’s looking at you, kid.
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Dr. Maryum Tariq is a highly skilled dentist at StarBrite Dental in Fremont, CA. She earned her dental degree from the University of California, San Francisco, and is an active member of the American Dental Association, California Dental Association, and Academy of General Dentistry. Fluent in English, Urdu, and Punjabi, Dr. Tariq effectively communicates with diverse patient groups. She is committed to patient education, personalized care, and fostering partnerships for lifelong health. Her expertise and dedication to patient well-being make her a trusted authority in dentistry. Connect with Dr. Maryum Tariq on Linkedin